How Gym Programming Can Skyrocket Your Business Success

[GUEST BLOGGER] Written by Monica H., CrossFit affiliate owner

It’s somewhat of a running joke among CrossFit affiliate owners that all of our gyms are special because of our coaching, programming and community. While on one hand, we can’t be that special if we all offer the same thing. But on the other hand, these things make us special in comparison to the plethora of other fitness options out there.

Gym owners that “get it” know that there’s a direct correlation between these three things and a healthy bottom line for your business.

Why Programming is a Game Changer.

In consulting with other gym owners, they’re always surprised to find that I rank programming as the highest priority. Sure, coaching and community are essential. But let me tell you why programming is the game-changer.

Each one of your members is unique. They come from various backgrounds, and have specific goals and challenges. Even the way you coach each one may be different. But they all have one thing in common: They came to you because they want results.

Ultimately, your coaching and community won’t be enough to make them stick around if they’re not achieving results. That’s where programming comes in.

Gym Programming Options: Here’s What to Look For.

Here are four crucial things to consider when exploring your gym programming options.

1. Big Name ≠ Big Results.

We see it all the time when celebrities endorse products. Just because a Games athlete started a programming company doesn’t guarantee it’s the best option for your members.

I’d venture to guess a majority of your members - just like mine - are at your gym for their overall health and wellness. Sure, you’ll have a handful or two of competitive athletes. After all, that’s one of the things that makes CrossFit unique. It’s incredible to see your Semifinals-qualifier working out alongside Jenny, who just dropped her kids off at soccer practice.

While the competitive athletes may do more advanced variations of the movements, or add accessory work afterward, the class programming should be designed to get everyone the best results.

And if you’ve ever taken the time to compare the various “famous name" options out there, you’ve probably realized that best-on-the-competition-floor doesn’t necessarily mean best-option-for-your-members.

2. What’s the Difference?

Let’s say you want a cup of coffee. About five minutes from your gym to the right is a Starbucks (I didn’t say good coffee). There’s also a Starbucks about five minutes from your gym to the left. Which one do you choose? Doesn’t matter. Same shitty coffee.

Think about this from the gym perspective. If your gym offers CAP programming (keeping with the shitty theme), and the gym down the road also offers CAP programming, what’s your differentiator?

Even with a superstar team of coaches and a rockin’ community, results come first. And even though one of the best things about CrossFit is that each gym is unique, offering the same programming as your competition means you’ve lost your sales advantage.

3. Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself.

Let’s go back to Jenny, your long-term, loyal soccer mom member. Jenny is counting on you to provide her with fun workouts that challenge her and keep her fit. She’s never opposed to PR’ing her deadlift but that’s not why she came to you. She wants to attend class four or five times a week, and that means she trusts you to not wreck her.

Longevity versus performance is truly the key in programming for almost every gym. There’s a significant difference in programming that’s designed for sport, versus programming for life (or functional fitness). The good news is, it doesn’t matter if you don’t understand this difference, as long as your programmer does.

4. Customization is King.

One of the things that’s always baffled me as a gym owner is why anyone would choose cookie-cutter, one-to-many programming, when the customized option exists. If you can get programming that’s created specifically for your equipment, class sizes, athlete levels, training cycles, etc., why on earth would you choose not to?

I once talked to another gym owner that was paying for mass programming, then spending three hours every week modifying it to fit her gym. THREE HOURS.

My first thought was, ‘How much could you increase your revenue if you spent those three hours on marketing initiatives instead?’ I mean, let’s break that down. Three hours per week is approximately 12 hours per month. If you spent 12 hours on marketing - social media strategy, email campaigns, upselling, etc. - how much revenue would that yield? Five more memberships per month? Ten? And even if you have someone handling your marketing already, how much more could you improve retention by spending that time connecting with your community, or even taking more time for yourself?

In Summary: Gym Programming is the Foundation of a Successful Fitness Business.

These are the reasons I believe customized programming is a game-changer. Help your community achieve results, the primary thing they walked into your gym for. Allow them to keep coming for the long haul by focusing on longevity. Differentiate yourself from your competition. Reclaim your valuable time. And drive revenue and retention for the long-term success of your business.